simply me and jeans

How do you explain the feeling of sadness that comes when you are overwhelmingly content? Maybe it’s the ache of a soul as it realizes the depth of love in that moment can’t last forever. And yet,  isn’t it a glimpse of forever?  

June 3, 2014

 It’s said that man grows numb to beauty. That he gazes upon the eternal long enough to become dead to it. Staring blindly at the very things that once thrilled his soul and caused his heart to cry out in gratefulness.

May 15, 2014

It’s 4:30 in the morning and I haven’t slept a wink.  It’s been a long time since that has happened and I keep wondering why.  I don’t feel like I’m overly worried about anything.  Sure, I have some things on my mind but nothing that would normally keep me awake. If my girls can’t sleep […]

April 11, 2014

I live with inner conflict.  I love  people but I crave solitude.  I love to bake but avoid cooking. I am obsessed with reality TV but long to yank every single television set out of my home.  I am compelled to stay busy but  hunger for a slower life.

October 12, 2011

My little town is walking through a horrible tragedy.  Actually, tragedy may not be the right word because it implies that the event was accidental.  This event was horrific and intentional.  The brutal abuse and  murder of a 2 year old boy.  It really didn’t seem like it could be true,  but as I  looked […]

July 20, 2011

writer, Coach, speaker
Karen Lawson