simply me and jeans

My little town is walking through a horrible tragedy.  Actually, tragedy may not be the right word because it implies that the event was accidental.  This event was horrific and intentional.  The brutal abuse and  murder of a 2 year old boy.  It really didn’t seem like it could be true,  but as I  looked […]

July 20, 2011

My iPod died  the other day.  I was walking out the door for a run only to discover that I couldn’t turn it on.  The frustration spread from my toes to my head in a matter of seconds because I needed to get out of the house.  July and August in Texas can be described […]

July 16, 2011

I  love music.  Pretty much all music. Well… not so much heavy metal, but don’t hold that against me.  Occasionally I’ll torture my girls by making them listen to classic rock or songs from the 70’s but  I  think they like it more than they let on.  Sometimes I torture my husband with Neil Diamond. […]

July 6, 2011

My family lived in New Orleans in the early 70’s.  As a 6 year old,  I was in awe of the people we would see at Audubon Park.  The girls had long curly hair and beautiful smiles. They wore clothes that reminded me of fairies, blue jeans with colorful patches and, best of all, no shoes.  Daddy called them hippies […]

June 28, 2011

writer, Coach, speaker
Karen Lawson