Mark 10:46-52 I was humbled today by the story of a blind man from 2000 years ago. A man who was known for being a beggar. A man that probably didn’t dress or smell like a “respectable” person. I bet he was the type of man that many of us would avoid on the street, […]
November 4, 2011
“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God” — William Carey My 20 year old daughter is in Wyoming’s Wind River Range on a 40 day backpacking trip with Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries. There’s no phone service and sending or receiving letters is sporadic. Carrying a 50 pound backpack on a 120 mile […]
July 25, 2011
My little town is walking through a horrible tragedy. Actually, tragedy may not be the right word because it implies that the event was accidental. This event was horrific and intentional. The brutal abuse and murder of a 2 year old boy. It really didn’t seem like it could be true, but as I looked […]
July 20, 2011
I love music. Pretty much all music. Well… not so much heavy metal, but don’t hold that against me. Occasionally I’ll torture my girls by making them listen to classic rock or songs from the 70’s but I think they like it more than they let on. Sometimes I torture my husband with Neil Diamond. […]
July 6, 2011