Homemade cotton quilts have a smell – a mix of dust, smoke from winter fireplaces, hints of grass and soil from summer picnics and the musty fragrance of a cedar chest. They also tell a story. The pink dogwood print from a bridesmaid dress. The blue calico from a pair of short overalls that Mamaw […]
December 17, 2015
It’s said that man grows numb to beauty. That he gazes upon the eternal long enough to become dead to it. Staring blindly at the very things that once thrilled his soul and caused his heart to cry out in gratefulness.
May 15, 2014
I live with inner conflict. I love people but I crave solitude. I love to bake but avoid cooking. I am obsessed with reality TV but long to yank every single television set out of my home. I am compelled to stay busy but hunger for a slower life.
October 12, 2011
I love music. Pretty much all music. Well… not so much heavy metal, but don’t hold that against me. Occasionally I’ll torture my girls by making them listen to classic rock or songs from the 70’s but I think they like it more than they let on. Sometimes I torture my husband with Neil Diamond. […]
July 6, 2011