As I read John 20 this morning, I realized how much I can be like Mary…so easily distracted by my pain, grief, loss or unexpected circumstances that I don’t see God’s provision standing right in front of me. I’m beginning to think it’s because I expect His provision to look a certain way. After all, Mary was […]
August 21, 2015
I heard about a book the other day called “What Your Childhood Memories Say About You . . . and What You Can Do About It” by Dr. Kevin Leman. The premise, as far as I can tell from the little I heard, is that you can tell a lot about a person’s main struggle […]
July 23, 2015
It seems that God often speaks to me by repeating a topic over and over in various ways. Whether through songs, movies, scripture verses, Facebook articles, sermons or conversations – He’ll put a theme on replay until I can “see” that He’s speaking.
July 21, 2015
Robin Williams died today. I feel like I should say Mr. Williams out of respect, but he was always Robin to most of America. It’s hard to believe that “Mork” showed up on “Happy Days” sometime in 1977 or ’78 and has continued to make me laugh for almost 37 years. It’s even harder to believe that […]
August 12, 2014
(I reread one of my journal entries today and am amazed at God’s faithfulness to lead us out of dark places.Thank you, Jesus.) September 20, 2013 The thought that God takes each of us into a uniquely designed desert to prepare us for what’s ahead seems somewhat comforting – if it’s true. I wonder if it […]
July 4, 2014
How do you explain the feeling of sadness that comes when you are overwhelmingly content? Maybe it’s the ache of a soul as it realizes the depth of love in that moment can’t last forever. And yet, isn’t it a glimpse of forever?
June 3, 2014
I’ve been consumed lately with thoughts of travel. There’s no telling how many hours I’ve spent researching hotels, activities and airline flights. Honestly, if I got paid for it I would be doing pretty well right now; but the truth is, I just love it. I love reading about all the historical facts and interesting […]
June 2, 2014
It’s said that man grows numb to beauty. That he gazes upon the eternal long enough to become dead to it. Staring blindly at the very things that once thrilled his soul and caused his heart to cry out in gratefulness.
May 15, 2014
It’s confession time. Sometimes I’m jealous of my husband because he can do no wrong in the eyes of my girls. I’m glad. Really, I am. But there are those days when nothing I say is right. Times when I get on their nerves because I’m breathing. Times I worry that they are making the mistakes I […]
April 30, 2014
Today’s the first day this week that I haven’t been in pain. Not from the horrible cold I have or the allergies that wreak havoc in Texas each spring. I’m sure those aren’t helping, but this is a CrossFit sore. If you’ve ever tried CrossFit, you know what I mean.
April 24, 2014