I’ve heard more talk this year than ever before about our “One Thing”. That one word or concept that seems to resonate in our minds and hearts as the thing God wants to do, reveal or develop in us over the next 12 months.
Last year, I felt a clear leading that “restoration and reconciliation” were to be the themes for my life as well as for my whole family. I had no idea how true that would be or in how many ways I would see it accomplished or started. In His mercy and wisdom, God is still bringing about healing, wholeness and fullness that I didn’t even know I needed.
So, I’ve been excited to know what my “one thing” is for the coming year. The more I heard others share theirs, the more anxious I became to hear God speak clearly to me, but my heart seemed unfocused, flighty and confused. I know a few things that He’s teaching me – Unity, Love, Light, Joy. All these beautiful and weighty concepts that are floating around in my head but nothing that has settled, still, on my heart.
Honestly, I think I’ve been trying too hard. I want to know because I crave the clarity. It’s appealing to know “one thing” because it gives me something to do. Something to focus on. To pray for. To work toward.
I don’t do busy well. Not in life and especially not in my heart or mind. But I also don’t do stillness well. I have to be moving all the time. The more I thought about my “One thing”, the more things came to mind and the more frustrated I became.
And then it hit me. I knew my one thing.
That’s what I need. Something I crave but naturally fight. A word that I want to characterize me.
Only the Holy Spirit can do that in a heart like mine. But, I’ve seen him do plenty of things in the past year that only he can do. So, why not?
True to the goodness of God and his knowledge of who I am, he sent me a thumbs up in the form of a text from my daughter. Just a little, “Yep, you got it.”
I texted my whole family a few weeks ago asking if they had any thoughts on what God might be saying to them for the year. I ask random things like that on occasion but I don’t usually expect a response. They have busy lives and I’m usually thinking about it midmorning when they’re in the thick of things. About two weeks later, a few days after I’d had this thought about peace, I got this text.
“I’ve been praying for a word for this year that I think God wants to teach me or give me. I’ve also been praying for everyone in our family separately. For me and you I have the same word. Peace. Just that word. I feel like God wants me to pray for both of us to know His pure and unending PEACE. He wants to teach us, show us and lavish us in it this year. He wants us to enjoy it and be covered in it. He wants our hearts to REST.”
Yep, our God is such a good Father.
He knows our temperaments, our personalities, our needs…everything about us. He knows you. What you hate. What you love. What you fear. What you hope. He knows it all and loves you perfectly and deeply.
So, what’s he saying?
What’s your “One thing”? It isn’t something to stress over or force like I was trying to do but it is worth thinking about. Talk to him. Listen for a while. Be honest and pay attention. Whether you get one word or not, I am certain of this. When we seek Him, he will be found and when we desire to be more like Him, we will be changed. He is trustworthy and He is good.
Very, very good.
February 2, 2019
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