I try not to dwell on the fact that I’m getting older. It’s hard to ignore when I can’t hold my tea without wincing at the stab of arthritis pain in my thumb or when my joints are stiff as I get out of bed in the morning. It’s hard to ignore when I scroll through my high school’s “50th Anniversary” page and realize how many of my classmates are no longer here. But, it’s really hard to ignore when I look in the mirror and see wrinkles everywhere. The truth is that those wrinkles are a sign of how blessed I am. Of course, I have the worry lines between my eyes and the lines around my lips from pursing them in thoughtfulness or frustration. I’m trying to worry less but that’s just one of my ongoing struggles. BUT, the majority of my wrinkles reveal decades of laughter, amazement and smiles. My face is becoming an ever more topographical map of a life lived and, I hope, lived well.
I realize I could wipe that map clean with a couple thousand dollars’ worth of Botox and I’m not against that at all, but I don’t think I’d ever want to completely lose these lines of mine. The happy lines remind me of how blessed I am and, the others… well, they remind me that I can still learn more about depending on God and resting in His love. That sounds very mature of me, doesn’t it? Trust me, more often than not, I just see those lines and think, “When did this happen and how can I stop it?”
Getting older isn’t great. At least, I don’t enjoy most of it. But there are some benefits to living, making mistakes, seeing how the world works and loving people for half a century. I hope I’ll become better at gracefully growing old over the next few years. As of now, I still recognize the depth of my pride and worry over what the next few decades hold but, I also hope that I have at least a few more decades.
This past year has been a doozy and many of us are scared and confused about what could be next. That’s understandable and valid but it would be worth remembering what other people have lived through and survived in the past 100 years. We are able to overcome much more than we imagine and are capable of creating a better world than we have. It may put a few more lines on our collective faces but which lines those are will be up to us. Will we trust in God’s faithfulness and continue to find the joy and blessing in life so that those laugh lines become deeper? Or, will we worry and fear over the unknown and watch those lines deepen? It’s a struggle, isn’t it. But isn’t it worth it to find more of God in the midst of it all and become more like Jesus?
I mean let’s be real. Crow’s feet are a blessing in the day of Covid. How else do you know when someone is smiling at you? Smile big my friends and lets’ rock those wrinkles.
September 26, 2020
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