simply me and jeans

Homemade cotton quilts have a smell – a  mix of dust, smoke from winter fireplaces, hints of grass and soil from summer picnics and the musty fragrance of a cedar chest. They also tell a story.  The pink dogwood print from a bridesmaid dress.  The blue calico from a pair of short overalls that Mamaw […]

December 17, 2015

Over the years, I’ve come to notice that life is much more about uncertainty than it is about certainty.  There are a few things I feel sure of, but on a bad day I can even question those.  That’s the journey, isn’t it?  We don’t know what tomorrow holds.  We don’t always understand why yesterday […]

November 12, 2015

I like country music. I like how it tells a story that average people understand.  I like that it stirs up emotions and memories in my mind.  I like that it often portrays a life-style that holds to traditional values  and that it can make me  bust out dancing when I hear a familiar riff.

September 24, 2015

Have you ever had one of those moments that’s so wonderful  it leaves an emptiness  in your heart?  One of those moments in which your soul aches  because of the beauty you see,and because you realize there has to be so much more? I love this quote from C.S. Lewis because it speaks to the truth of these moments […]

September 10, 2015

I’ve been thinking about life lately.  How fragile it is.  How short it can be. How fleeting it is in the face of eternity. How it’s both insignificant and of great significance all at the same time. I’ve had so many thoughts and conversations that my mind started to crave a place of rest and  quiet.

September 5, 2015

Robin Williams died today. I feel like I should say Mr. Williams out of respect, but he was always Robin to most of America.  It’s hard to believe that “Mork”  showed up on “Happy Days” sometime in 1977 or ’78  and has continued to make me laugh for almost 37 years.  It’s even harder to believe that […]

August 12, 2014

writer, Coach, speaker
Karen Lawson