simply me and jeans

My desk sits in front of our homes’ largest window. My front porch swing, two towering live oaks, my front flower bed and the livestock roaming in my neighbor’s pasture seem to be extra comforting as sunshine melts the evidence of this week’s snowstorm. Five days ago I sat here under layers of blankets watching […]

March 10, 2021

“Try to lighten someone’s load or make them smile. You never know what their day has been like and what pain they’re carrying.” If I had to list the top 10 lessons that I’ve learned from my parents and hope to emulate , this would be one of them. We’ve all had days that knock […]

November 13, 2018

The last three weeks have been crazy! They’ve not only been the darkest and loneliest weeks of my life but also the most powerful, impacting and supported time of my life.  I know that’s contradictory.  The whole journey has been a picture of contradiction.  Death and life.  Faith and fear. Solitude and support. Waiting and […]

June 12, 2018

As I walked back to the hotel tonight, I passed the workers setting up for the Sunday market and suddenly realized we have been in Paris more than a week.  Last Sunday we bought some bread, cheese and veggies and had a solemn picnic in the park before going to see how Steve was doing […]

June 2, 2018

writer, Coach, speaker
Karen Lawson