simply me and jeans

It seems I can’t be a normal person and work during the day. Oh no! My brain has to wait until after midnight to form cohesive thoughts.  The problem is that I’ve had to get up fairly early lately so I’ve not done a lot of writing. My heart feels it.  I was so burdened […]

October 8, 2015

  N.T. Wright “After You Believe-Why Christian Character Matters” Lately, I’ve noticed that many who claim to be Christians have a lack of desire to grow, learn or  mature in their faith.  It’s obvious in those that spew out hate, bigotry and ignorance in the name of Christianity; but, I’ve become increasingly convicted that it has […]

September 17, 2015

Have you ever had one of those moments that’s so wonderful  it leaves an emptiness  in your heart?  One of those moments in which your soul aches  because of the beauty you see,and because you realize there has to be so much more? I love this quote from C.S. Lewis because it speaks to the truth of these moments […]

September 10, 2015

I’ve been thinking about life lately.  How fragile it is.  How short it can be. How fleeting it is in the face of eternity. How it’s both insignificant and of great significance all at the same time. I’ve had so many thoughts and conversations that my mind started to crave a place of rest and  quiet.

September 5, 2015

I’m an idiot. Seriously. After almost 50 years on this earth you’d think I’d learn a few things.  Things like… taxes are inevitable, Sonic will get my order wrong, politicians will find something to fight about, it will rain when I wash my car and when I hear God speak in regards to my family I should obey.

August 27, 2015

It was surreal, really.  We were in the cutest little nook at a pub near Leichester Square in London when 3 guys named Steve showed up.  The fact that we were in London at all was unbelievable, but the fact that my husband, Steve, met those three guys in a pub so crowded that people were […]

August 24, 2015

As I read John 20 this morning, I realized how much I can be like Mary…so easily distracted by my pain, grief, loss or unexpected circumstances that I don’t see God’s provision standing right in front of me. I’m beginning to think it’s because I expect His provision to look a certain way. After all, Mary was […]

August 21, 2015

I heard about a book the other day called  “What Your Childhood Memories Say About You . . . and What You Can Do About It” by Dr. Kevin Leman. The premise, as far as I can tell from the little I heard, is that you can tell a lot about a person’s main  struggle […]

July 23, 2015

It seems that God often speaks to me by repeating a topic over and over in various ways. Whether through songs, movies, scripture verses, Facebook articles, sermons or conversations –  He’ll put a theme on replay until I can “see” that He’s speaking.

July 21, 2015

Robin Williams died today. I feel like I should say Mr. Williams out of respect, but he was always Robin to most of America.  It’s hard to believe that “Mork”  showed up on “Happy Days” sometime in 1977 or ’78  and has continued to make me laugh for almost 37 years.  It’s even harder to believe that […]

August 12, 2014

writer, Coach, speaker
Karen Lawson