It’s Christmas afternoon and I’m sitting on my bed wishing that my knee would allow me to go for a run. I’ve never been a fast runner, but that didn’t matter. I ran alone. I processed. I thought. And, sometimes, I cried. Ever since I ran my first mile with daddy at the age of 6 it’s been a retreat for me. I could use that today. Not that it’s been a bad day at all. It’s just been a hard day.
The last few weeks have stirred up lots of feelings from this past year that leave me feeling…well…unstable, I guess. Happy one minute and crying the next. Full of joy one second and exhausted and melancholy the next. It’s not just that we almost lost Steve this year or that we will probably lose my sweet daddy before next Christmas. It’s not even all the other ups and downs, joys and sorrows and gains and loses that we’ve experienced this year. It’s the thought of all the people we’ve met along the way and the sorrow that many of them are carrying.
Last night, our daughter gave us a book with screenshots of messages, verses and prayers she received while Steve was sick. It’s a powerful reminder of how God sustained us through His people; but, it’s also a humbling reminder of the hurting hearts that are around the world. I remember so many people I never would have known but who I had, and have the honor of praying for because they shared their lives with me during that difficult season. The daughter that lost her mother. Another that lost her dad. A wife who lost her husband. Another whose husband decided he didn’t want to be married anymore. Parents who have a child with cancer. A wife whose husband is chronically sick and depressed. A man whose wife died after a long battle with cancer. Families in Africa whose loved ones didn’t survive cerebral malaria. A young girl that wanted to commit suicide because life was just too hard. Another young woman who had lost her faith but was fighting to find her way back to God. A mom whose little boy is fighting a rare disease.
So many stories. More than I can list. And each representing a heart that is somewhere in the world tonight carrying some pain that they may not be showing. Without my therapeutic run, I wonder how much of mine is showing.
But, then I remember it’s Christmas.
My youngest daughter’s middle name is Noel because I was always told it meant “Now all is well” – and I love that! It wraps up the idea of Christmas in one beautiful little name.
Because God is with us, all is well.
All isn’t better and all isn’t perfect. There’s still brokenness and hurt and pain in the world. Disappointments and death still plague us all. BUT…because Jesus chose to be obedient in coming to earth as a humble baby, because he lived a perfect life, because he died a humiliating death on a cross and because he rose from the dead…all is well with my soul.
I realize that sounds crazy to some and simplistic to others. All I can say is that, to me, it is real. It’s truth. And, it’s been life and breath and hope to me these last 12 months. This world holds so many treasures and so many blessings that God has poured out on us; but, His unfailing love, lavishly given grace, eternal hope and peace that is beyond comprehension are better than the most precious treasure. I have days that I lose sight of that but my prayer is that my heavenly Daddy will never let my heart stray very far from the truth of who he is to me and what that means.
Because of Jesus, all is well even when nothing seems well. Because of Jesus, I can face hurt, pain and loss with faith that God will carry me and give me strength. Because of Jesus, there is always hope for tomorrow. Because of Jesus, I am loved, seen, understood and forgiven whether anyone else agrees or not. Because of Jesus, I can give to others what he’s given to me. Because of Jesus, death is not the end but the beginning. Because of Jesus, I can pray for people and trust that the power of the Holy Spirit is behind those prayers and fighting for those people. Because of Jesus, even the darkness is light and I am never alone.
Jesus changes everything.
I may not be able to run today but music will do. I have three favorite Christmas songs. “The Little Drummer Boy” and “Do you Hear What I Hear” are two of them. I don’t really know why except that they touch a place in my heart that recognizes my insignificance before the Creator of the universe but the incredible fact that He loves me and wants me to love him too.
The third is my absolute favorite. It brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it and it seems an appropriate prayer for all of these people who are on my mind right now. As I sit her on my bed meditating on God’s goodness and the gift of Jesus Christ my Savior, I’m praying for so many of you and hoping that you will feel the presence and love of the Father tonight. No matter what we face…. a baby changes everything…and because of Him, all is well.
December 26, 2018
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