There have been multiple times over the past few years when one of our kids has had to move back home for a short amount of time. I love the life that Steve and I have together but I also love being with my family and am inexplicably grateful that they know we’re here for […]
September 29, 2019
As I listened to my oldest daughter talk about the life of a young mom the other day, I clearly remembered writing this journal entry years ago. The feelings of loneliness, boredom, doubt and exhaustion came flooding back and I had to rummage through old journals until I found it. Not because it’s all that good; but, […]
March 18, 2017
It’s baby season in our town. They’re popping out all over the place. Beautiful and precious babies that are poised to learn all kinds of things from this world and the people around them.That’s both terrifying and promising in the world we have created for ourselves. I remember sitting on the edge of my bed […]
July 18, 2016
Homemade cotton quilts have a smell – a mix of dust, smoke from winter fireplaces, hints of grass and soil from summer picnics and the musty fragrance of a cedar chest. They also tell a story. The pink dogwood print from a bridesmaid dress. The blue calico from a pair of short overalls that Mamaw […]
December 17, 2015
I’m an idiot. Seriously. After almost 50 years on this earth you’d think I’d learn a few things. Things like… taxes are inevitable, Sonic will get my order wrong, politicians will find something to fight about, it will rain when I wash my car and when I hear God speak in regards to my family I should obey.
August 27, 2015
It’s confession time. Sometimes I’m jealous of my husband because he can do no wrong in the eyes of my girls. I’m glad. Really, I am. But there are those days when nothing I say is right. Times when I get on their nerves because I’m breathing. Times I worry that they are making the mistakes I […]
April 30, 2014
I wonder how often we say things that we don’t really believe. Or, maybe it’s more accurate to put it this way – how often do we say things we don’t KNOW to be true? That’s been the case for me more times than I can count. But, when God reveals a truth to your […]
April 20, 2014
Let’s take it from the top. I woke this morning to a daughter that couldn’t keep her eyes open. She wasn’t tired but suddenly seemed to have the eyes of a vampire. Tears ran down her face as she got ready for school because…yes…she didn’t want to miss another day. Needless to say, the drive […]
November 15, 2011
I’m having a down day. I often wonder what other people do with those days. It seems like I’m the only person that feels like pulling the covers back over my head every once in a while (besides the teenagers on facebook who need to learn what TMI means). Pinpointing exactly why days such as […]
November 10, 2011
Mark 10:46-52 I was humbled today by the story of a blind man from 2000 years ago. A man who was known for being a beggar. A man that probably didn’t dress or smell like a “respectable” person. I bet he was the type of man that many of us would avoid on the street, […]
November 4, 2011