As I was praying this morning I couldn’t help but think about this past year and wonder about what this next year held. It’s hard to describe the feelings I have about this past year but the first sentence of “A Tale of Two Cities” seems to describe it well. “It was the best of times, […]
December 10, 2018
“Try to lighten someone’s load or make them smile. You never know what their day has been like and what pain they’re carrying.” If I had to list the top 10 lessons that I’ve learned from my parents and hope to emulate , this would be one of them. We’ve all had days that knock […]
November 13, 2018
“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him (the shepherd), and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” John 10:3 “Karen” So clearly in my mind that I open my eyes and wait to see if it comes again. Nothing. That one word […]
October 7, 2018
I was at Starbucks for 2 hours today trying to make progress on this book we’re writing. That didn’t happen. Instead, I spent an hour talking to a young man about college, how tired he was, trying to encourage him and another hour trying to get my computer to work. Because I’d lost all focus, […]
September 29, 2018
There are seasons in our lives that God uses to change us and teach us things we may not otherwise have seen. We don’t usually plan for those seasons and they’re seldom enjoyable, but they’re gifts of grace none the less. A few people have asked me how I’m doing after the events of the […]
July 1, 2018
I can’t sleep. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve become accustomed to little sleep over the last 4 weeks or if it’s something else. I grab my headphones and turn on some worship music as I lie in the dark. Surely I’ll fade into rest soon enough. But I don’t. There hasn’t been a […]
June 21, 2018
The last three weeks have been crazy! They’ve not only been the darkest and loneliest weeks of my life but also the most powerful, impacting and supported time of my life. I know that’s contradictory. The whole journey has been a picture of contradiction. Death and life. Faith and fear. Solitude and support. Waiting and […]
June 12, 2018
As I walked back to the hotel tonight, I passed the workers setting up for the Sunday market and suddenly realized we have been in Paris more than a week. Last Sunday we bought some bread, cheese and veggies and had a solemn picnic in the park before going to see how Steve was doing […]
June 2, 2018
Youthful ignorance saw myself as average. A pretty vessel that could be used by the master but was just as easily left on the shelf as an addition to His collection or passed over in favor of the beautiful vases with curved necks and golden engravings. Acceptable but not extraordinary. Experience proved myself to be […]
January 14, 2018
I’ve found so many beautiful new songs lately that I haven’t turned my Spotify off for days. It’s playing all the time and I often fall asleep with earphones in and the timer set. Randomly shuffling through my worship playlist excites me because, more often than not, God will choose a song to convict me, […]
November 8, 2017