I try not to dwell on the fact that I’m getting older. It’s hard to ignore when I can’t hold my tea without wincing at the stab of arthritis pain in my thumb or when my joints are stiff as I get out of bed in the morning. It’s hard to ignore when I scroll through […]
September 26, 2020
The idea of walking through a wilderness has been running around in my mind for about 4 years. Throughout my life, I’ve heard messages, songs and testimonies about people who prayed to be free of “wilderness experiences” and people who taught that we should do all we can to avoid them all together. The terms […]
September 8, 2020
A few days ago, one of my best friends said that I should write about this experience we’re all having with Covid-19. Her encouragement blessed me but my immediate reaction was, “I have nothing to say.” I either write in my journal to process my emotions and what God is teaching me or I write […]
March 29, 2020
Correction and discipline aren’t fun but they are a necessity for becoming more like Jesus. Feeling the stab of conviction while reading a passage of Scripture and recognizing how far I fall short of it may be painful for a moment, but it’s a beautiful sign of God’s love for us as His children. With […]
December 3, 2019
“Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based […]
February 14, 2019
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my […]
January 19, 2019
I feel like Peter today. There’s a storm raging around me – both literally and figuratively. I’ve been in storms before so my heart really should know where to find its’ rest. I know where my eyes should focus in order to ride it out… or better yet, on whom. And for a few seconds, […]
November 8, 2016
Over the years, I’ve come to notice that life is much more about uncertainty than it is about certainty. There are a few things I feel sure of, but on a bad day I can even question those. That’s the journey, isn’t it? We don’t know what tomorrow holds. We don’t always understand why yesterday […]
November 12, 2015
I’ve been thinking about life lately. How fragile it is. How short it can be. How fleeting it is in the face of eternity. How it’s both insignificant and of great significance all at the same time. I’ve had so many thoughts and conversations that my mind started to crave a place of rest and quiet.
September 5, 2015
It seems that God often speaks to me by repeating a topic over and over in various ways. Whether through songs, movies, scripture verses, Facebook articles, sermons or conversations – He’ll put a theme on replay until I can “see” that He’s speaking.
July 21, 2015